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Before Your Permanent Cosmetics Appointment. 

So you're all scheduled for your permanent makeup appointment... Now what? 


-STOP! If you have had previous permanent cosmetics performed by another technician you need to have a consultation with Cori BEFORE your appointment!


- Avoid asprin for 3 days prior (baby asprin is fine) 

- Avoid alcohol for 3 days prior 

- Limit your coffee the day of the procedure to one cup

- Avoid energy drinks the day of your procedure or caffeine supplements.

- Avoid any waxing or tweezing for 10 days prior to your appointment. 

- Avoid chemical peels, retinols, botox, or filler injectibles for 2 weeks prior to your appointment. 

- (Eyeliner) Discontinue any lash growth serums such as latisse for 6 weeks prior to your appointment. 

- (Eyeliner) Bring your contact lense case and glasses.

- (Lips) If you have coldsores you will need to premedicate with an antiviral 3 days before and 3 days after your appointment.


-You are not a candidate for permanent makeup if, you have keloid scaring, are pregnant, or taking certain blood thinners.

-Certain medications can can effect your permanent cosmetics, causing premature fading. 

- If you have previous permanent cosmetics you must have had a consultation before your procedure. 


              * Remember that permanent cosmetics retention can not be predicted. Our own natural immune system, skin type, genetics, aftercare, and medications can effect your healing. Additional touchups may be required and are a $50 tray fee within 6 months. Beyond the 6th month it will be an annual touchup charge of $250. 


              * Day of the procedure expect your brows to be darker and bolder than the final result. Once your brows have flaked and skin has healed over the pigment they will look softer and about 30% lighter. They will be a bit light for a couple days immediately after flaking and will continue to bloom as the lower layers of the skin continue to heal. Final color is usually about 8 weeks after the appointment. All touchup sessions must wait a minimum of 8 weeks for complete healing.



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